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National Student Solar Spectrograph Competition


Montana Space Grant Consortium


Montana State University

















Here is the schedule for our project.


Fall Semester:

11/08/12: Critical Subsystem Demonstration - Demostrated input/output angles for the grating rotation.

11/28/12: Critical Design Review

11/30/12: Biographies due for competition

12/04/12: Report due


Spring Semester:

01/27/13: Project Readiness Review - Review with instructor to see if the group is on the right track.

03/18/13: Advisor wants spectorgraph fully built.

03/30/13: Project Report Due

04/08/13: Finalized webpage is due

04/20/13: Astronomy Day! (Outreach at the Museum of the Rockies from 1pm-4pm)

04/25/13: Engineering Design Fair

05/15/13: Competition Begins

05/17/13: Competition Ends