Graphical User Interface


The purpose of the GUI is to provide a way to visually verify that the design works. The GUI will be running on a PC and will display the position of radiation on the sensor in real time. The GUI will show a 10 x 10 grid that is broken up into 100 different buttons. Each of these buttons corresponds to a small coordinate section on the actual radiation sensor. If no information is received by the GUI, all of the buttons will be gray. Once the GUI starts receiving information from the FPGA, the real time tracking process begins. This tracking occurs by changing the colors of various buttons on the GUI. If a particular button (coordinate) experiences a radiation strike, the GUI will change the corresponding buttons to red. If no strike is sensed, the GUI will change the corresponding buttons to greed. In this way, the radiation strike can be tracked by following the red buttons on the GUI. This provides an effect method to visually track the radiation across the entire area of the sensor. Below is a picture of the GUI grid used for this project.