This page is Cadence® information related.  It is intended for use by student users of the Cadence ® tools. The following groups are using Cadence on the MSU campus. Within these groups, there are ongoing projects involving undergraduate and graduate students. 

MSU Electrical and Computer Engineering

Cadence products are used in EELE101/201/202/317 for design, schematic capture and simulation.

Senior Design:
 EELE489R Electrical Engineering Design I Students in this class use PCB software to design their electronic circuit boards used for their senior design projects.

For more information concerning Electrical and Computer Engineering Cadence useage, please contact Allison Banfield.

MSU Physics Department

The Physics Department at MSU is developing new curriculum for their 2-semester electronics courses (PHSXS261/361), Laboratory Electronics. These courses are designed for science majors, especially Physics majors, to provide a basic background in active DC and AC circuits, analog and digital electronics and advanced test and measurement systems. This newly designed pedagogy focuses on the pragmatic application of CAE tools, such as Cadence Capture CIS, PSpice Studio and Layout Studio, and the application of computer data acquisition and analysis systems in the physical sciences.

The OrCAD products are used for homework assignments, in the electronics lab at the bench as well as in the preparation of lecture materials.

During the second semester of Laboratory Electronics, the students press the OrCAD products into use for the development, testing and construction of electronic projects. The Physics Engineering Design Lab (PEDL) at MSU provides PCB prototyping facilities that the students use to generate the PCB needed for their project. By the conclusion of this two-course sequence, the students are sufficiently skilled in the Cadence products to take a simple electronic project from design through to working prototype, without requiring support from outside vendors. These same prototyping facilities also support a vital Physics research community focusing in advanced laser technology, optical memory, condensed matter and experimental solar physics.



Please direct any questions or comments to


Web author 
Allison W. Banfield 
Last Updated : June 9, 2018

"Cadence ® is a trademark of Cadence Design Systems, Inc., 2655 Seely Avenue, San Jose, CA 95134"